Please read EVERYTHING! Perhaps, three times! We are expecting AMAZING things from June 2024 recitals and we hope you are as well! Let's get LEGENDARY!
Thank you to all of the DDF parents who go above and beyond.
Let's Dance!
What is a recital?
Recital is a huge production(this year two productions) where ALL dancers of the studio are invited. Families fly into town, hair appointments are made for the perfect bun or ponytail, and the dancers are excited to show off what they have worked so hard on in their dance classes. Costumes, great music, and fun fill the entire show time. This is such an important event every year for the dancers. No matter if you are a returning dancer or a new dancer to the studio, recital is something the dancers love to keep being a part of. They get excited about being on a huge stage under the professional lights and hearing their families cheer their name.
When is recital?
Recitals 2024 are on Sunday, June 9th at 2:30pm and 6pm.
Dress rehearsals will take place at the theatre on June 1st for certain dancers.
Who is in recital?
Every dancer enrolled up until now been invited to be in recital if there were no prior plans such as vacations made before registering.
What is needed to be involved in recital?
1. Enrollment into the studio by February 15th.
2. Costume fees must be paid. You can check your portal to see if you settled your costume fee. If you have not, you are not accounted for with recital.
3. $75 recital fee is due April 1st, per signed policies and kind reminders.
Did I pay my costume fees?
You should be able to log in to your studio student portal to check to see if your costume fee was drafted. If you do not see it labeled and drafted, you have not paid it.
You MUST also attend your scheduled dress rehearsal!!!!!!!
(Scroll below to view scheduled dress rehearsal day)
Where is recital?
We are so excited after many months of trying to find the perfect theatre. After searching for one with its own parking lot for PLENTY of parking, a huge stage for all of the dancers, ample amount of seating with great views for ALL guests, nearby hotels and restaurants, we are blessed to call Kennesaw Mountain High School our venue for 2024 recitals.
Kennesaw Mountain High
1898 Kennesaw Due West Road NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152
What show is my child in?
Please scroll below to view assigned shows.
What is my child’s hair for recital?
Please scroll below to view hair assignments.
Does my child's hair need to be done for dress rehearsal?
NO. Your child's hair does not need to be done for dress rehearsals.
YES, they are welcome to wear whatever they need to wear on their head(scarf, bonnet, wrap, etc.) at dress rehearsal to make their hair last for the show if it is done at that time. Please go ahead and schedule hair appointments if needed.
What time do doors open on recital?
Doors will open for audience members at 1:45 for the 2:30 production.
Doors will open for audience members at 5:15 for the 6pm product.
What time do I bring my dancer to their designated drop off area on show days?
If your child is in the 2:30 production, they need to be at the theatre for 1:30. If your child is in the 6pm production, they need to be at the theatre for 5pm.
What time does the show start?
PROMPTLY at 2:30 and 6pm. Please encourage all family members to arrive and be seated on time.
How long is the show?
We are striving for June 2024 recitals to run no longer than an hour and a half, including a 15 minute intermission. Yes. Start times
Do I have to stay for the entire show?
Yes. Start times are much earlier this year and shows are shorter this year to allow for everyone to please stay and give the same audience to the very last part of the show as the very first part of the show has.
How many tickets does my family get?
Each family is able to purchase up to 8 tickets for each show they are assigned to.
When do tickets go on sale?
Tickets go on sale May 3rd-May 24th.
I have way more than 8 guests wanting to attend, how do I get additional tickets?
Each family is allowed to go online to purchase 8 tickets per show they are assigned to. We are giving each family the duration of May 3rd-May 24th to purchase the eight tickets, but come May 24th, we will be reaching out to those families who have not sold theirs to discuss transferring them to a family in queue. You may also buy the remaining tickets out of your personal 8 tickets if you have guests on the fence about coming. Ultimately, we want to be ahead of the game and if we wait until two days before the shows to see that families have not sold more than half of their tickets, that means those seats are empty and could have been filled with families that could have seen the show.
Who all needs to buy a ticket?
If you are sitting in a seat at the production, you must buy a ticket.
How much are tickets?
Tickets for June 2024 recitals are $30 per ticket.
Where do I go to buy tickets?
What is seating like for recitals this year?
This year is general seating.
Are there wheelchair accessible seats at the theatre?
There are 6 wheelchair spaces at the theatre.
Why does my child need to attend their dress rehearsal in order to perform for recitals?
If they do not attend dress rehearsal, there is no way they will know what is going on when recital days arrives. Dress rehearsal is MANDATORY for those who have one assigned for the difficulty and levels on which they are performing..
What are some nearby hotels?
We do realize each year families fly in or dance families enjoy being very near here are some hotels in the area!
Tru by Hilton Atlanta NW Kennesaw
Hampton Inn Atlanta Kennesaw
What are some nearby restaurants?
Many restaurants are located in Knnesaw, some family friendly options are:
Texas Roadhouse
Red Lobster
Bahama Breeze
Common fast food chains
When do we get to take home our costumes?
Your child will take their costume home the last day of class before the show. This is to avoid any potential damages or surprises to the costume They will be trying them on in class over the as arrivals make it, but will NOT be taking home.
Do we get to keep our costumes?
Once your dancer's show is complete, you may do what you wish with your costumes.
Once shows are over, what happens?
You may attend summer options with DDF or go ahead and register for our new 2024-25 dance season to claim your spot in a class! You will receive more information about summer and new season registration soon.

On the left you will find the day, time, and class of your dancer. On the right is the dress rehearsal day AND TIME THEY ARE ASSIGNED TO BE ON STAGE.
For example: If my child is in class Tuesday from 4:30-6 at the studio, my child TO BE ON STAGE at 5pm.
Which means my child needs to be at the theatre 15 minutes prior at 5pm.
There will be no parents allowed in the dress rehearsals, except those that are working with the studio. There will be 8 VIP parents that will help with the flow of the show. All other parents are to drop their dancers off at the door and the dancers will be escorted to the proper location. When dress rehearsal is over, parents can pick the dancers up at the door and they will safely be released to the parents.

*Shows will be determined and emailed at the close of May 20, 2024.
If you are NOT assigned to be at a dress rehearsal YOUR HAIR IS TO BE IN A HIGH BALLET BUN. You may have a braided bun. NO HAIR HANGING IN THE FACE and NATURAL HAIR COLORS ONLY!
IF you ARE scheduled to be at dress rehearsal, hair is in a high ponytail. exceeding NO LONGER than 14 inches. PLEASE DO NOT DO ANY LONGER, AS AN INJURY CAN HAPPEN.
You may have braids in a ponytail. NATURAL HAIR COLORS ONLY!!